Age 1 First Visit

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, every child should visit a dentist around age 1 and every six months thereafter. These visits help children begin to get comfortable in a dental setting and allow dentists to observe the dental changes in a child’s mouth from an early age.
When preparing your child for their first visit to the dentist, please reinforce the idea that going to the dentist is a fun and comfortable experience. Please try to avoid using words like “pain” and “hurt” when talking to your child about the dentist. If you are anxious about the visit, your child will sense that and will be anxious as well. We strive to provide a fun and supportive environment for children. Our approach to dentistry for children is “Tell, Show, Do.” We will always tell your child about each procedure and how it works, show your child what it looks like, and then perform the procedure when they are comfortable. We will only use the most comforting and positive words and phrases when talking to your child. We will get to know your child and help them to feel comfortable in the office by explaining what will happen during their visit, and showing them the tools and instruments we will use to help keep their smile healthy.
We encourage parents to accompany their child during their visit. This gives you an opportunity to see us working with your child and allows us to discuss dental findings and treatment needs directly with you. A thorough head and neck examination and evaluation of the teeth and gums are performed. Radiographs (x-rays) are taken only if necessary. If no treatment is needed, the teeth will be cleaned and a fluoride treatment will be provided.
When you come in for your child's initial visit, please be sure to bring your child's dental insurance card and arrive early to fill out the initial paperwork if you have not already done so. Our goal is for both you and your child to leave our office calm, happy and smiling from ear to ear!
Patient Forms